Smash/Cut (Season 1 + Project Ireland)
an audio fiction podcast
created/produced by Alexander Charles Adams
For Season 1 and Project Ireland, I produced each episode from booking collaborative artists, functioning as a playwright and composer, as well as creating the sound design of nearly every piece.
The goal of creating Smash/Cut was to develop new work by local playwrights of Baton Rouge, LA that otherwise could not gather resources to hear their material fully realised. While audiodrama differs wildly from live theatre, it allowed for writers and actors to position themselves in new and interesting ways to explore dramatic scapes and their characters.
Also, the spirit of experimentation by theatre artists drove us to create the mission statement "to explore a new mode of creating audio fiction with each episode." In doing this, we are pushing the boundaries of what audiodrama means along with high production standards.
Notably, my piece Hi, I'm Mattie, developed in partnership with TheatreofplucK and the Outburst Queer Arts Festival, from Project Ireland (the miniseries) was shortlisted for the Hearsay 2017 Best Audio Fiction Prize.